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(COMMERCIAL) 100,000Hz • Break Toxins Off Pineal Gland • Targets Free Radicals (The Quantum Miracle Frequency)



(Only for commercial use)

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If you wish to help support us with creating high quality & regular content then please consider becoming a Patreon of Meditational State today by visiting the following link: This track has been created using a Quantum Miracle Formula Frequency. This makes this music very powerful and extremely effective in detoxing and restoring the pineal gland.

This music contains ultra high-frequency tones that generate deep healing in your third eye by breaking away toxins from the pineal gland. Just let the frequency carry you and try not to focus on thoughts or emotions. This will help the tones in this track clear out toxins and negativity from your pineal gland and make it function again. We recommend listening to this track for at least 30 minutes once a day for best results.

Listen to this audio track as much as you feel comfortable, either sitting or lying in a comfortable position. Headphones are generally advised when listening to meditation music to avoid distractions – but not essential.

Listeners Claim, “A profound clarity of mind, improved decision making and a deep sobriety of self-awareness.” These effects lasted for at least one month after hearing only 30 minutes of this track once.

#100000Hz #DetoxPinealGland #DecalcifyPinealGland

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Listen to this track as much or as little as you feel comfortable, either sitting or lying in a settled position.

Please note: ALWAYS consult your GP first before trying to cure any medical problems (including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, phobias or any other cognitive – or physically related illnesses) with an alternative.

~ Peace & Love ~

© ‖ ℗ Meditational State

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