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Meditational State – Meditation – The Eliva Method

Meditational State – Meditation – The Eliva Method

Meditation is just one of the practices for achieving mental tranquility and increased awareness and there are many different styles of meditation – the Silva Method has become one of the most prominent.

José Silvadoros developed an interest in psychology and subsequently created the Silva Method.  It teaches guided imagery methods to help people eliminate negative thoughts by rewiring their subconscious minds.

This type of meditation is known to boost one’s self-esteem and encourage positive thinking. It proposes that relaxation and cognitive development lead to a feeling of individual well-being.

However, the Silva Method has its critics and people are divided on it – some are even afraid to use it – so we have developed a simpler, more natural meditation process.

This new, ground-breaking, Eliva Method is somewhat astounding – a true masterpiece. If the instructions are followed accurately whilst listening at the beginning of the audio track, anyone can achieve their goals and come away from this with full control of their thoughts and emotions in a 100% natural way.

This self-help program developed exclusively by Meditational State is a simple but revolutionary meditation technique using guided NLP imagery methods with state-of-the-art audio as it helps people eliminate negative thoughts by rewiring their subconscious mind. It is designed primarily in assisting people in realizing their full potential and achieving their objectives.

These unique tracks have been created using our Quantum Miracle Formula Frequency at a varying range of hertz to ensure there is a track for everyone (as some people find certain hertz work better for them than others). This makes this audio very powerful and extremely effective in aiding meditation, relieving tension, and healing, the secret is the blend of these hertz when combined with our stunning harmonious music which lends itself beautifully to execute the perfect meditation soundtrack.

Meditation is one of the best practices for achieving mental tranquillity and increased awareness.

If your brain is always ‘chattering’ this meditation process helps to quieten your mind and gain more control of your thoughts.


Whilst the video is playing do the following (immediately after you hear ‘let’s go home’):

  1. Sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes
  2. With your eyes closed look up and to the right (if you are left-handed look up and to the left)
  1. Take a deep breath
  2. As you exhale mentally repeat and visualize the letter A three times
  3. Take a deep breath
  4. As you exhale mentally repeat and visualize the letter B three times
  5. Take a deep breath
  6. As you exhale mentally repeat and visualize the letter C three times
  7. You have now accessed the Alpha brain state
  8. With your eyes still closed look forward slightly above eye level and imagine yourself somewhere tranquil, calming and peaceful. You may wish to wander around this beautiful place and interact with its surroundings. Continue listening to the audio as you become more relaxed and enjoy the experience. You may wish to stop at any time before the end of the audio, the benefits will still be achieved.

At the end of this meditation, you will feel more confident, healthier, positive and have a clear insight into how to achieve your ambitions.

Benefits of The Eliva Method:

– Cure Insomnia and Sleep problems (if listening before bed)

– Boost your energy levels (if listening in the morning)

– Eliminate tension and migraine headaches

– Boost creativity and inspiration

– Eliminate stress, anxiety and depression

– Accelerate learning, and improve memory, focus and concentration

– Let go of negativity and become a positive and focused thinker

– Boost your self-esteem and self-confidence

– Awaken your body’s natural healing ability

– Activate and develop your intuition and creative solving abilities

– Learn to forgive and achieve happiness and inner peace

– Set and achieve goals with increased motivation

This soundtrack is very powerful and extremely effective in aiding meditation and healing, the secret is the blend of these hertz when combined with another of our stunning harmonious soundtracks which lends itself beautifully to execute the perfect Eliva Method healing soundtrack.

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